Outreach Programs

Students playing with robotic fish

Grandparents University Program

MSU Grandparents University is a program for grandparents and grandchildren (ages 8-12) to come together for a 3-day educational experience while spending time together on the MSU campus. Since 2007, SML has been involved in this annual event. Dr. Tan and his students offer a session Smart Materials and Artificial Muscles to curious children and their grandparents.

Anthony Chippewa talking to students about fish robot

Chippewa Career Day

Chippewa Career Day is an annual event at the Chippewa Middle School in Okemos, MI, where representatives from different professions speak to the eighth graders about career choices. Dr. Tan represented the College of Engineering in 2006 and 2007. On March 6, 2007, he was joined by his graduate student Stephan Shatara and MSU/ECE alumnus …

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Robotic fish educational kit

Pre-college Programs

SML partners closely with the Recruitment and K-12 Outreach Office of the College of Engineering in its various pre-college programs. As a designated Engineering Tour Stop, SML receives about 80 visitors every month including prospective students and their parents. Every summer Dr. Tan and his students give accessible lectures and hold hands-on, interactive demos on …

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John Thon discussing design of robotic fish

Research Experiences for Teachers (RET)

Dr. Tan has been leading an NSF-funded RET Site program at MSU since 2009, including the RET Site on Bio-Inspired Technology and Systems (BITS) from 2009-2012, and the renewal Site on Robotics Engineering for Better Life and Sustainable Future from 2013-2016 . The Site provides research training and other professional development opportunities for about 10 middle and high school …

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